by Rebecca Carman | 19 May, 2020 | Uncategorized
Following advice from the Victorian Government on Tuesday 12 May, some students will be returning to school from Tuesday 26 May.
The Victorian Chief Health Officer has advised that it is safe for Victorian school students and teachers to return to on-site schooling in a two-staged approach:
- Stage 1 – from Tuesday 26 May
Early years students (Prep to Grade 2) will return to school on-site. All staff will attend on-site.
- Stage 2 – from Tuesday 9 June
Grade 3 to Year 10 students (all other students) will return to on-site schooling, subject to health advice.
The Department’s latest advice on can be found at
by Rebecca Carman | 19 May, 2020 | Uncategorized
From Tuesday 26 May, some students will start to return to on-site schooling with the others following soon after.
Please click here to read information in your language about the staged return to on-site schooling:
by Rebecca Carman | 1 May, 2020 | Uncategorized
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Remote teaching and learning programs are in place for term 2, 2020. On site learning is available for eligible students including students who cannot be looked at home as parents/ guardians are working and there is no one to look after the student during school time. The program will be the same for students learning remotely and on site. Please find attached an application if there is no one at home to supervise your child on any day next week. Please contact the school on 03 9546 9578 if you wish to seek an application for any day next week. You can submit the application online at
We are distributing devices (ipads and notebooks) to students who do not have access to one at home. We are trying to distribute these as quickly as possible.
Parents and guardians are being contacted and given a time to collect the device. If students have not yet been provided with a device they will receive a hard pack of learning materials for the week until they receive a device.
Please make sure that your child is engaging with the work provided by the teacher each day. Teachers will also be contacting your child and you may see a blocked phone number. Please respond as teachers will be contacting students during school times and have blocked their phone number for security reasons. Students should be up and ready commence with school work each day at the usual time school commences.
Students are required to complete literacy, maths and physical education activities each week. Science has also been timetabled for secondary students.
Teachers will assess students each week by discussing and reviewing students’ work each week and providing students with feedback.
If you have any questions or concerns please ring the school on
03 9546 9578
On Site Attendance Form NPELS
by Rebecca Carman | 26 Apr, 2020 | Uncategorized
The Department of Education and Training have established a Parent and Carer Advice Phoneline for parents/carers of early years, primary or secondary school aged children to assist with queries relating to COVID-19 and for advice about supporting learning at home.
Parents/carers who are not proficient in English can access this service via Telephone Interpreter Service at no cost to the family.
Please see the information about how to do this:
To access the Parent and Carer Advice Phoneline with an interpreter
- Call the National Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450
- Ask them to call the Parent and Carer Advice Phoneline on 1800 338 663
- They will stay on the phone call and interpret. (Parents/carers will need to select which age group they are calling about)
The link below explains what service Parentline offers,
by Rebecca Carman | 25 Apr, 2020 | Uncategorized
Step 1: Find your DET webpage e.g.
Step 2: Scroll to bottom of the page until you find the Google Translate symbol:

Step 3: Click on ‘Select Language’, you can then choose from the list of 108 community languages

Step 4: The DET webpage will be translated into the language you have selected.
*Please note this translation tool uses Google Translate, it is intended as a guide and may not be accurate. Google Translate may produce translations that contain significant grammatical errors. Some parents and carers of EAL students may not have literacy in English or their home language. Contacting families via phone using telephone interpreters and providing simplified English information with graphics can help support communication with families.