Noble Park English Language School
Welcome to the Noble Park English Language School website. Noble Park English Language School is a primary and secondary school for new arrivals. We provide an excellent intensive English language program and assist students and their families in their transition to a new country.
We are a caring learning community. We have four campuses and cater for over 700 students.
Noble Park English Language School is a Child Safe School.
Upcoming Events
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Respectful Relationships Program
Noble Park English Language School has made a commitment to the Respectful Relationships program to combat Family Violence and Gender Inequity. We say no to domestic violence, and indeed, any violence. We promote equity for all, no matter what gender, sexuality, identity, religion or creed. We ask our entire community to support us and start the conversation so that we can make change.
Principal: Enza Calabro
Latest News
Easter Holiday Activities
Click here to access information about Easter holiday activities.
Secondary Holiday Activities
Please click here for information about holiday activities for secondary students.