Student Learning
Noble Park English Language School has a reputation for delivering high quality education in English as an Additional Language (EAL) using coherent and comprehensive content as well as common achievement standards of the Australian Curriculum and the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (AusVELS). The challenging and engaging curriculum is designed to promote students’ confidence and proficiency in all areas of English: speaking and listening, reading, and writing.
Our curriculum is relevant and dynamic. It encourages our culturally and linguistically diverse students to become independent and life-long learners. Students are actively involved in their learning, acquiring knowledge, skills, positive attitudes and values. Our teachers deliver a broad range of subject areas. These include Mathematics, Science, Health and Physical Education, Drama, Careers, Music and Art. Asian and Indigenous perspectives are also embedded in curriculum programs where appropriate. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) underpins our teaching and learning programs
Student assessment is an ongoing process that helps teachers tailor programs according to students’ learning needs and is based on the EAL Developmental Continuum. Individual Educational Plans are developed for students who require a tailored program to enhance their academic and social areas.
Students are taught by dedicated, experienced EAL teachers in small classes of up to 13 students. Our staff provides a secure and caring learning environment and strives for excellence in teaching and learning. Explicit teaching and programs tailored for individual students’ needs are at the core of all learning. Apart from academic success, students form friendships and learn tolerance and respect for other cultures. In addition, students receive extensive support from multicultural education aides and literacy support personnel.
The School Council, Principal and Staff ensure that quality teaching and support programs are provided across all campuses. We are committed to embedding the core values of Respect, Responsibility, Learning and Safety across the school community.
Students are placed in classes according to their age. An activity-based learning approach related to themes and topics is used in our program, including all aspects of spoken and written language within the key learning areas. Repetition and recycling of language occurs over many themes allowing students to increase their use of appropriate English. Students partake in Sport, Art, Music and ICT classes.
All students of the Springvale Campus are given membership at the Springvale library and visit on a regular basis to foster their interest in reading and borrow from the library.
Early years students work collaboratively in a new open learning area where they have an opportunity to use a range of ICT, and participate in developmental play, guided reading and other special language enrichment programs.

Secondary students are placed in classes according to their age and English proficiency. English language is generally taught through a series of themes under which listening and speaking, reading and writing skills are integrated and developed.
Extra-curricula/Enrichment programs
Students at Noble Park English Language School can access a wide range of extracurricular programs. These include programs provided through the Community Hub, which is run by Springvale Rise Primary school, for students of the Springvale Campus.
The school provides a range of programs to support students’ learning and understanding of living in Australia:
- Orientation, including travel safety
- School Assembly
- Lunchtime computer and library access
- Water Safety programs
- Buddy Program
- Active After School Sports Program
- Inter-school Athletics
- Inter-school Cross Country
- Music program provided by The Song Room
- Multicultural awareness: Harmony Day, International Day Concert
- Community links with Springvale Library
- School garden
- Secondary lunchtime basketball and badminton
- Secondary lunchtime homework club
- Secondary UCan2 program, which delivered in conjunction with Foundation House, teaching students life skills and providing opportunities for part-time employment after school
Excursions and incursions are important components of the curriculum. They introduce students to their new environment and provide a concrete basis for language and social development. When an excursion is being organised, detailed notices will be sent home to inform parents and guardians. Excursions and incursions are a planned and essential part of the curriculum and all students are expected to fully participate.
Take a look at some of the excursions we have been on…
School Camps
At the end of the year, secondary students at the Noble Park campus are encouraged to participate in a three-day residential camp. This camp is fully integrated into the curriculum, with a clear focus on English language and social development. Parents and guardians are notified in advance and have opportunities to discuss issues and concerns. The camp provides valuable English language learning experiences for students.